
“Because we are not just creatures of water! Even though we need water to survive, even though two thirds of our planet’s surface is covered in water, even though our very bodies are composed of about 60% water, we are not just creatures of water,”

“We are creatures of Earth. We are carbon based life forms, we came from the earth and to the earth we shall return. We live upon it and grow our food in it. We are creatures of Earth.”

“We are creatures of Air. It fills our lungs to give us life, we use it to see, to hear, to smell. Air is our medium to connect to the world. We soar through it like gods to reach far off lands. We are creatures of Air.”

“We are creatures of Fire. We generate heat, we are moved by our passions. The very components of our bodies were forged in the fiery inferno of stars far from here, a long time ago. We harness it’s energies and bend nature to our will. We are creatures of Fire.”

“We are creatures of Electricity. It powers our brains, the very bonds of our atoms. Our own memories are nothing more than electrical impulses in the tissues of our brain. We harness this beast as our source of power, to achieve magics hitherto undreamt of by our ancestors. We are creatures of Electricity.”

“We are creatures of the Void. Our ineffable selves arose from the darkness. No one truly knows what lies in the great beyond, but it is a land to which all shall one day travel. We gaze into the abyss of the universe and one day may find ourselves staring back. We are creatures of the Void.”

“All these things and more we are, in balance. We were not meant to dwell for too long within a single aspect, for to do so invites sickness of body and spirit. Tis only in balance that we can revel in our true authentic selves; to rejoice in the fullness of our being.”

“…man, all I said was that I’m sick of all this rain.”



It was a wet and blustery day. Rain splattered on the wind-screen of the car as it sped down the slick road. Leaves were dancing in the wind and there was a distinct chill in the air.

“I think the word “blustery” got ruined by A.A Milne.” I said.


“Yeah, I think it’s so associated with the “Winnie-the-Poo” stories that it’s taken on a kind of whimsy that in no way reflects its actual meaning. It sounds…I dunno. Cosy. Cute. Not downright miserable, like this is.” I nodded to the weather outside.

My commuting companion said nothing.

“See, this is the other side of Fall that no one talks about. It’s all warm colours and hot drinks and being wrapped up until Halloween, and then BAM. It’s like everyone’s suddenly got their mind on Christmas and the weather goes straight to Winter in response.”

She continued to not respond, but regard me cooly, her amber eyes peering out from behind her thick-rimmed glasses.

“I think people forget part of Fall is the transition to Winter. Once everyone’s favourite holiday is over, they drop it like a hot potato.” I frowned. “I get it, I guess. I mean, it’s pretty miserable.”

“I don’t know.” Autumn gazed out the window. Even in the muted light, the trees lining the road were a riot of colours; ambers, golds, crimsons, browns and greens. The wind was being caught in the bowers, causing the colours to cascade and dance; individual leaves departing their parent tree to waltz through the air like confetti. The sky was grey, but also lavender, violet, silver. From the toasty interior of the car, it was quite the stunning sight.

“As Imogen Heap once put it, there’s Beauty in the Breakdown.”
