
*CAUTION: PROFANITY. (and plenty of it)*


Look at this fucking Orange. Look at it.

What the fuck is wrong with this Orange? It’s freaking me out. It’s giving me the heebie-jeebies. It’s making me itchy just looking at it. I had to make the preview image for this post something else so I wouldn’t have to keep looking at it.

At first I thought it was the seeds inside sprouting out through the skin, but it’s not. The buds pull out easily. I think they’re a fungus, so they’re actually penetrating the skin, eating away at the flesh. That’s bad enough. But why so many? Why are they so evenly spaced? Why are they shaped like that? It’s bugging me something fierce. Every instinct in my body is telling me this is some major bad juju. It comes from the same place that I think Trypophobia comes from, that queasy reaction people get from seeing small holes packed closely together. It’s my primal brain processing it as some kind of disease, some kind of putrescent anomaly in the world.

Disgust is hard-wired into our brains. It’s a self-preservation tactic; usually the things we find gross are things that are unknown, or bad for us, and the instinctive aversion to them is to protect us from these potentially harmful things.

Of course, it doesn’t always make sense, or it flags the wrong things. For instance, there are several examples of fruits and vegetables I find to be “gross” but are actually really good for me. (Bananas are a good example of this.)

Other people find particular animals to be repugnant. Sometimes for good reason; some animals should not be trifled with. Parasites are a great example of this. Other times the offending species can be harmless once you know and understand them, but can still invoke a reaction.

Some people even find the behaviors and lifestyles of others to be repellant, though usually said traits are rarely a threat to others.

This though. This fucking…abomination. It’s wrong. I can’t tell what it is, but it is wrong. It shouldn’t exist. What’s worse is that i can’t stop thinking about it, a weird, morbid fascination. And of course, the more I think about it, the more it bothers me, the more it agitates my lizard brain. I am hoping that by throwing it out on the Internet i can either find out just exactly what it is, and thereby satisfy my fascination of it once and for all, or, at the very least, by acknowledging that it bugs me so much, I can move on from it. It’s unnatural. It’s repulsive. Why can’t I stop thinking about it?!


